
  1. ffmpeg
  2. libcurl
  3. youtube-dl

Third-party binaries

Some functionality can be extended using third party binaries. All binaries and their configuration options are described below. They can be configured on Maintenance property page.

All binaries used by the filter are listed in Third-party Binaries list. Each item in the list has Source property that controls where to search this binary. To change source use context menu.

All binaries have source called External. Using it you can specify path where this binary can be found.

Source called Managed is similar to External except that in this case filter controls binaries by itself, providing the way to download these binaries and to check for updates. Managed binaries are always stored in filter data directory.

If you have selected Managed item in context menu, on next run it will be replaced by popup menu. Using this menu you can check for updates, download binary or delete previously downloaded version.

State of third-party binaries is printed to log at filter creation. Alternatively one can use Status button on Maintenance property page.


ffmpeg libraries are used to probe streams. Filter has an embedded ffmpeg with minimum required codecs to probe streams from supported sites (represented by Internal source in the list).

If you want to use filter for broader set of sites (via youtube-dl) you can use external ffmpeg libraries (e.g. from Zeranoe, or Roger Pack, or some custom build). To do that, select External source and specify directory where ffmpeg shared libraries are placed. Make sure you select ffmpeg built for the same architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) as the filter.

If ffmpeg source is set to anything other than Internal, and the filter cannot load ffmpeg from selected source, it falls back to internal ffmpeg.


Filter uses libcurl for HTTP/HTTPS communication.

In addition to internal libcurl one can select external DLL to be used. This was primarily done to be able to use different SSL backend (in internal libcurl is used Windows native SSL backend).

Ready-to-use libcurl with OpenSSL is bundled in installation and represented by Bundled source. You may also experiment with other existing variants that are available on cURL download page.


youtube-dl, the way it is used by the filter, is application that can extract from given video page various properties like title, description, and URLs to actual media files. All this is used then by the filter to provide for URLs supported by youtube-dl the same features as it provides for Youtube.

When System source is selected, filter searches youtube-dl.exe in PATH. This can be useful if youtube-dl is installed via pip.

If particular URL is supported by both the filter and youtube-dl, filter tries both ways until it gets positive result. Option Prefer youtube-dl over internal analyzer controls in this case which way is tried first.

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